Sunday 5 January 2014

Evalution Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
As you can see from the image my model is looking directly at the camera. The image is a medium shot as I wanted to ensure that my models clothing/hair would be shown on the image, I believe that is what the readers would prefer because they like to see exactly what their favourite artists are wearing so they can in a way use them as a template. As you can see by looking at the other image there aren't many similarities apart from the fact that it is also a medium shot. The fact that my image is looking right at the camera shows quite and empowering side to them and entices the audience as once they look at the magazine they will immediately see the main model which will draw them in even further, the image on the right shows quite a provocative shot of a female singer, this contrasts with my image a lot as my magazine does not premote those type of things. I decided to have my model standing in-front of a white backdrop to create more of an effect and I've noticed that other typical indie magazines have plain backdrops, Q magazine have completely gone against my technique and have instead opted for a black background. The clothing my model has on is that of the type of thing you would see the likes of Indie 'guru' Alexa Chung wearing, alongside the hair and the opposite picture is a typical pop culture image, trying to change peoples persepctive of the model at hand.  

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