Sunday 29 September 2013

Double page spread analysis

As part of my media project I have been asked to analyse a double page spread from a music magazine.

I have decided to analyse this Jake Bugg article. The way in which Jake has been presented is as though he is thinking about something, presumably important. He is dressed pretty nicely and his hair looks neat and tidy. I also like the fact that this image is the main one, the one in which the audience notice first. The reason, I believe that this has done is because they want the audience to know that this article is about Jake Bugg and Jake Bugg only.

The masthead is in a bold, black font, although the 'By The' has been purposely been changed to italics and is the colour white, this makes the title look very simple, but very effective at the same time. I think that the words 'Bitten by the Bugg' is a pun. It is a play on words, it makes the reader presume that Jake is a very big artist and has a good strong future ahead of him.

The double page spread contains a lot of key information about Jake. This is good for the reader as it gives them an insight into what and who Jake Bugg actually is. There is a small review on the second page, it mentions what he has done and achieved in the past few months.

Moving on to this doubke page spread of Haim. I like how the title stands out and how the words 'Sing Out' is bold and in colour white, if you notice the word 'Sisters' is the colour black, still bold though. This I believe has been done to make the three different words look unique when put next to one another.

I like the image of the sisters that has been used, it shows a more fun side to them and it's something in which the audience can relate to, they look just like normal people. The clothing in which they are wearing is nice, you can, just by their clothing tell what type of music genre they like which is; Indie Rock 'n' Roll.

Finally the text content in this article looks very short, but sweet. It tells us, as the reader who 'Haim' are. There is also three images, of the sisters, pressuambly at one of their gigs.

The final double page spread I have analysed is this, of Pete Doherty. The Masthead says 'In Good Health', which is very ironic considering he is holding a pint of beer. But never the less this is a pull quote, it brings the reader in and attracts them to this article. I like how 'Good' is in the colour orange, this is double entandre, it has two different meanings, the colour also has connotations of deceit and distrust, which can make you believe that this is going to be a very deep article and will dig into his emotions.

Looking back at the image I notice that he is wearing a t-shirt that looks pretty dirty, this is though a typical Pete Doherty  look. This could also make the readers want to buy the magazine as the image is a full A4 size, which could be used as a poster.

And to finish with the contents. It has alot of text in the article, I like the fact that it is in a smaller font, which allows the writer to include a lot of information.

Sunday 22 September 2013

My mood board

Here is a picture of my mood board. It has a range of different pictures of bands and artists. As you can see I have stuck six different post notes on a few of the images, I did this to show people what I liked about these pictures.

I stuck a note over Miles Kane because I love the way in which the photographer has taken this photograph. Miles doesn't look as though he is looking directly at the camera when you first glance, but when you look at the mirror image you notice that he is.

Secondly I stuck a note over the large image of Pete Doherty. I think that the words 'Pete Doherty Comes Clean' is very deceiving. Also the colour of the writing has been chosen carefully, the fact that the 'Come Clean' has been written in grey is very clever, as the colour grey does not connote the word 'Clean'.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Contents page analysis

This is a image of a contents page from NME. I have analysed it to help me progress in my project.

Monday 16 September 2013

Features of a front cover

This is a mind map of the features which are included on the front cover of a music magazine:

Sunday 15 September 2013

Analysis of a front cover

Many Music Magazine covers are recognisable by the colours which have been used. For example Q always use red in their title. Whereas NME use different colours to match the bands or artists which have been presented on the front cover. You can also tell magazines apart by looking to see which bands/artists have been used on the front covers. Here I have three examples of music magazines:

As you can see Arctic Monkeys have been selected as the front cover of this NME, released in 2011. The thing in which I notice straight away is the way that the band have been positioned, with Alex being at the front and the rest of the band more towards the back. They have been placed in order of importance, the lead singer first and so forth. The reason that this has been done is so that when we, the audience, see the magazine will straight away recognize Alex, the lead singer, who is slightly more famous than his band members, this will then make us, the audience, want to then buy the magazine. 

Another thing in which I am drawn to is the colours that have been used. The connotations of green, to me, are fresh, clean, which directs you to the introduction just beneath the title, 'back in business', this indicates that they have possibly been away for sometime and have just returned with a 'fresh' new style. The white has been used to complement the green and also give a clean vibe off to the reader. This then brings me to the clothes in which they are wearing, as you can see Alex is wearing a plain t-shirt, this shows that they are there to purely show their fans that they are back, they preferably want to draw attention to that, rather than themselves. 

After reviewing this magazine's front cover I have decided that I would like to incorporate the models stance, the way in which the lead singer, Alex Turner, is standing is very powerful. He is made to look extremely important. I like this. The way in which he is looking very deeply into the camera creates a mysterious vibe and really entices the audience, therefore I would like to include something like this in my work to make it stand out.

As you can see for this NME, Peter Doherty has been chosen. The most noticeable thing on here is that Doherty has no clothing on, from what we can see. This immediately makes you think that this interview will be very stripped back and will focus a lot on him rather than his music. You also believe that this will be aimed more so at females, simply because he has no clothing on and the palette of colours which have been carefully selected; white and pink, are both really very girly and plain, which is what we assume the interview will be like.

Just underneath the title there is a quote from Doherty which reads "I'll say sorry to every single person from the depths of my heart", this will attract the reader a lot, as it makes you want to read on and find out what he has initially done wrong, it also makes the reader falsely assume that he could be a really nice person because of the wording in which he has used, but he could in actual fact be a bad person.

Again I have analyzed this front cover and have came to the conclusion that I will use the text used on this magazine cover as a template. As I mentioned previously, I thought that the editor was very clever in fooling the audience into believing that Pete Doherty could be seen as a positive role model. This is ironic because we know what Pete Doherty is known to be a notorious celebrity and is actually a bad role model to teenagers. 

Finally, this issue of Q magazine has Lily Allen plastered on the front. To start off with you can tell that this magazine is aimed mostly at men. She has been presented in quite a sexual way, she has no top on and her hand has been placed in her mouth, this shows that she is teasing the reader. Next to her are two panthers, which are known to be quite dangerous. She is letting off the effect that she too, is quite dangerous, but also quite vulnerable (the way in which she has her back to the camera).

The magazine, this time, is quite colourful compared to the rest. The colours red, white and blue are the colour of the British flag, which shows that this artist is British and is aiming this at her British fans. The black, I believe has been added to make the magazine stand out even more. 

Although this is a very good magazine in my eyes, I wouldn't personally choose to use anything from the front cover, I don't really think my model would feel comfortable wearing the clothing that Lily Allen is wearing and I obviously can use Panthers. And finally the color scheme. Although this works well together with the rest of the magazine I wouldn't really like to use these colors, they are too plain and boring in my eyes. One thing I may take away from this magazine is the layout. Its very simple and easy to follow. 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Coursework Media Brief

I have been asked to create a music magazine for my AS Media coursework. I will ensure that my magazine will contain a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. All of the pictures, the words and headers will be my own, original work.

The music that I will be including in my magazine will be the genres that are featured in magazines such as NME. The writing will also be like that of which is in NME. Some of the artists/ bands which I will use in my magazine are Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines, Jake Bugg and The Vaccines etc.