Friday 21 March 2014

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from that to your full product? 

After looking at these two screenshots, one being my actual finished magazine front cover and the other being my preliminary magazine front cover, I can see a few dramatic differences.
For example looking at the colour schemes, on 'The College' cover I have used a burgundy and white colours and on TMM I have completely changed and used purples. I believe the decision behind this was to make it fit more with what my target audience would like to see and I personally believe that the colours used on the left screenshot were possibly too vibrant.  Another thing that has changed from my preliminary is the model (obviously), but looking at the left model you can see that she doesn't necessarily know what to do, in comparison I found it easier to direct the model on the right and tell her how to stand, which kind of facial expressions to pull etc. Furthermore you can see from the preliminary that the writing on the covering the image up, whereas after playing around on Photoshop I was able to figure out how to place the title behind the model.  

The fonts on the my preliminary were simple and at the time I thought fitted the magazine concept, however for my actual magazine I decided to use fonts from an online website named, they had a wide variety of fonts to choose from and as you can see I chose something basic but also affective as I believe it stands out and will attract my target audience.

Moving on to my current contents page and my preliminary contents:
As you can see my preliminary task contents page was very bland and didn't stand out or contain enough information, contrastingly my TMM contents has a lot of information, colour and images which will stand out to my target audience. Also looking at the two different layouts or my magazine, you can tell by looking at the left image there really isn't a layout that anyone could follow, however for the other contents page I have ensured that I created different sections to make it easier for the reader to follow and find certain things.
Something else I thought would be important to include in my contents page was a down bar reassuring the readers that they can follow us on all types of social media sites to keep up with the news.
Overall I think that my final product is a lot better than my preliminary task, for the reasons stated above, but I also believe that having a go at using Photoshop for the practice gave me more confidence and enabling me to create a decent final contents, cover and double page spread.